Saturday 8 October 2011

What's New In This Generation?

Which do you consider are the traits of the "perfect" human being? That form which we should all try to attain.
The next step in the evolution of the human race.

I think one of the greatest aspects of humankind is our diversity, and it’s certainly proved to be one of the most important factors in the long term evolutionary success of any species. So although any one of us could list traits we’d like to see “take over the world”, I hope we’ll never again produce a society where striving to produce the “perfect” human being motivates social and political action.

f good taste in music is a criterion, the new generation is failing horribly.

 think you would have to take one man who is all the races of the western side of the world and and one woman who is all the races of the eastern half of the world make them have children then you'll see what we'd evolve into. those children would be the most ultimate beings on earth. thats what i think is going to happen. some scientist is going to do that and that race of supernaturally strong smart superior beings are going to destroy us and make us their slaves til we die off and they'll become the new human race.